Our Fees


Service Price (excl. GST)
Simple Will* for one person $400*
Simple Wills* for couple $700*
Will for one person incorporating one or more Testamentary Discretionary Trusts* (TDT) $1,400*
Wills for Couple incorporating one or more TDTs* $2,000*

Will Extras

Service Price (excl. GST)
Hospital Visits $150 extra per visit
Travel Fee to attend appointment with you for distances more than 25km radius from office $100 per 10km or part thereof
After hours fee for appointments which commence before 9am or after 5pm or extend beyond 5pm Additional hourly rate of $100
Fixed Trust for a vulnerable or spend thrift beneficiary or a beneficiary with a disability $250
Providing flexibility for creation of Special Disability Trust for beneficiary with a disability $250
Right to Occupy Residence or Life Interest in the estate $250
Blended Family advice on estate planning strategy $250
Reviewing your Family Trust Deed and providing advice on estate planning strategy $450

Other Estate Planning Documents

Service Price (excl. GST)
Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) $200 for 1 and $300 for a couple
Enduring Power of Guardianship (EPG) $200 for 1 and $300 for a couple
Advance Health Directive (AHD) $75 each
Preparing Binding Death Benefit Nomination for Retail Fund (BDBN) $150 each
Preparing Binding Death Benefit Nomination for Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF BDBN) $550 each

Estate Administration

Service Price (excl. GST)
Grant of Probate $1,300.00**
Letters of Administration $1,500.00**
Letters of Administration with the Will Annexed $1,500.00**
Preparing Deed of Family Arrangement starting from $1,000.00

Our Packages

  • Singles Simple Package (includes Simple Will, EPA, EPG & AHD)

    $800* plus GST (discounted from $925)

  • Singles Trust Package (includes Will with TDTs, EPA, EPG & AHD)

    $1,700* plus GST (discounted from $1,875)

  • Couples Simple Package (includes Simple Wills, EPAs, EPGs & AHDs)

    $1,300* plus GST (discounted from $1,450)

  • Couples Trusts Package (includes Wills inc TDTs, EPAs, EPGs & AHDs)

    $2,600* plus GST (discounted from $2,750)

* Additional fees apply for more complex Wills including rights to occupy a property, life estates, restricted and special disability trusts, blended families, and asset structures which require review, consideration and/or succession provisions including a SMSF, family trust , company or business interest.

**  WA's Supreme Court official filing fee for this application will also apply. As at July 2024 it is $408.  Additional fees may apply for complexities.